Coverage Report - org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.finders.PathGenerator
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  * Copyright (c) 2008 Ketan Padegaonkar and others.
  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
  * Contributors:
  *     Ketan Padegaonkar - initial API and implementation
 package org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.finders;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.resolvers.DefaultChildrenResolver;
 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.resolvers.IChildrenResolver;
 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.results.WidgetResult;
 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.utils.SWTUtils;
 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.utils.TreePath;
  * This is a path generate used to resolve paths to a component. This is intended for use only internally by the
  * debugging and logging framework.
  * @author Ketan Padegaonkar <KetanPadegaonkar [at] gmail [dot] com>
  * @version $Id$
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 public class PathGenerator {
         /** The childrenResolver */
         protected IChildrenResolver        childrenResolver;
          * Gets the current registered child resolver.
          * @return the childrenResolver. If it has not been set a default will be used.
         public IChildrenResolver getChildrenResolver() {
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                 if (childrenResolver == null)
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                         setChildrenResolver(new DefaultChildrenResolver());
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                 return childrenResolver;
          * Converts the string to an object representation.
          * @param stringPath The string path to find.
          * @param display The display to use.
          * @return the path to a component represented by <code>stringPath</code>
         public TreePath getPathFromString(String stringPath, Display display) {
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                 String[] elements = stringPath.split("//"); //$NON-NLS-1$
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                 if (elements.length <= 1)
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                         return null;
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                 Widget[] treePath = new Widget[elements.length - 1];
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                 Object parent = display;
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                 for (int i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) {
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                         String token = elements[i];
 64  3
                         String[] pathElements = token.split("/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
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                         parent = getParent(treePath, parent, i, pathElements);
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                 return new TreePath(treePath);
          * Converts the treePath to a string representation.
          * @param path The tree path to use.
          * @return the path in a string format
          * @see #pathAsString(Widget, StringBuffer)
         public String getPathAsString(TreePath path) {
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                 StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer();
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                 _getPathAsString(path, builder);
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                 return builder.toString();
          * Gets the widget contained within the parent at the given index.
          * @param parent The parent widget to use.
          * @param index The index of the child widget to get from the parent.
          * @return the index of the widget in the given <code>parent</code>.
         public Widget getWidget(Object parent, int index) {
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                 if (parent instanceof Display)
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                         return getShell((Display) parent, index);
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                 else if (parent instanceof Widget)
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                         return getWidget((Widget) parent, index);
 96  0
                 return null;
          * Sets the resolver to use for child resolution.
          * @param childrenResolver The child resolver to use.
         public void setChildrenResolver(IChildrenResolver childrenResolver) {
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                 this.childrenResolver = childrenResolver;
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          * @param treePath
          * @param parent
          * @param i
          * @param pathElements
          * @return
         private Object getParent(Widget[] treePath, Object parent, int i, String[] pathElements) {
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                 if (pathElements.length > 0) {
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                         parent = getWidget(parent, Integer.valueOf(pathElements[1]).intValue());
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                         treePath[i - 1] = (Widget) parent;
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                 return parent;
         private void _getPathAsString(TreePath path, StringBuffer result) {
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                 Widget lastWidget = (Widget) path.getLastSegment();
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                 TreePath parentPath = path.getParentPath();
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                 if (parentPath != null)
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                         _getPathAsString(parentPath, result);
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                 if (lastWidget != null)
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                         pathAsString(lastWidget, result);
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          * @param display
          * @param index
          * @return a shell on the display
         Widget getShell(final Display display, final int index) {
 139  1
                 return UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(display, new WidgetResult<Shell>() {
                         public Shell run() {
 141  1
                                 return display.getShells()[index];
          * @param parent
          * @param index
          * @return the widget at the specified position in the specified parent
         Widget getWidget(final Widget parent, final int index) {
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                 return UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(parent.getDisplay(), new WidgetResult<Widget>() {
                         public Widget run() {
 154  2
                                 return getChildrenResolver().getChildren(parent).get(index);
          * Converts the path to a widget into a String.
          * @param w the widget.
          * @param result the buffer into which the result should be returned.
         protected void pathAsString(Widget w, StringBuffer result) {
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                 String className = w.getClass().getName();
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                 int widgetIndex = SWTUtils.widgetIndex(w);
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                 result.append("//" + className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) + "/" + widgetIndex); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
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          * @param widget
          * @return the path to the control, as a string
         public String getPathAsString(Widget widget) {
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                 return getPathAsString(getPath(widget));
          * @param widget
          * @return the path to the widget from the shell that contains it
         public TreePath getPath(Widget widget) {
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                 return new ControlFinder().getPath(widget);