Coverage Report - org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.finders.Finder
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright (c) 2008 Ketan Padegaonkar and others.
  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
  * Contributors:
  *     Ketan Padegaonkar - initial API and implementation
 package org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.finders;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.utils.TreePath;
 import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
  * A wrapper around {@link ControlFinder} and {@link MenuFinder} that delegates to either of them.
  * @author Ketan Padegaonkar <KetanPadegaonkar [at] gmail [dot] com>
  * @version $Id$
 public class Finder {
          * The control finder to use.
         private final ControlFinder        controlFinder;
          * The menu finder to use.
         private final MenuFinder        menuFinder;
          * The display to use.
         private final Display                display;
          * Constructs the finder with the given control and menu finder.
          * @param controlFinder the finder that finds controls.
          * @param menuFinder the finder that finds menus.
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         public Finder(ControlFinder controlFinder, MenuFinder menuFinder) {
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                 this.controlFinder = controlFinder;
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                 this.menuFinder = menuFinder;
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                 display = controlFinder.display;
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          * Establishes the finder from an existing finder (control finder only) and the given new menu finder.
          * @param finder the finder
          * @param menuFinder the finder that finds menus.
         public Finder(Finder finder, MenuFinder menuFinder) {
 63  0
                 this(finder.controlFinder, menuFinder);
 64  0
          * Gets the currently active shell.
          * @return the active shell.
          * @see ControlFinder#activeShell()
         public Shell activeShell() {
 73  13
                 return controlFinder.activeShell();
          * Finds the controls in the active shell matching the given matcher.
          * <p>
          * This method is thread safe.
          * </p>
          * @param matcher the matcher used to find controls in the active shell.
          * @return all controls in the active shell that the matcher matches.
          * @see ControlFinder#findControls(Matcher)
         public <T extends Widget> List<T> findControls(Matcher<T> matcher) {
 87  2119
                 return controlFinder.findControls(matcher);
          * Finds the controls matching one of the widgets using the given matcher. If recursive is set, it will attempt to
          * recursively find the controls in each {@code children} widget if they exist.
          * @param children the list of widgets.
          * @param matcher the matcher used to match the widgets.
          * @param recursive if the match should be recursive.
          * @return all visible widgets in the children that the matcher matches. If recursive is <code>true</code> then find
          *         the widgets within each of the widget.
          * @see ControlFinder#findControls(List, Matcher, boolean)
         public <T extends Widget> List<T> findControls(List<Widget> children, Matcher<T> matcher, boolean recursive) {
 102  0
                 return controlFinder.findControls(children, matcher, recursive);
          * Finds the controls starting with the given parent widget and uses the given matcher. If recursive is set, it will
          * attempt to find the controls in each child widget if they exist.
          * <p>
          * This method is thread safe.
          * </p>
          * @param widget the parent widget in which controls should be found.
          * @param matcher the matcher used to match the widgets.
          * @param recursive if the match should be recursive.
          * @return all visible widgets in the parentWidget that the matcher matches. If recursive is <code>true</code> then
          *         find the widget within each of the parentWidget.
          * @see ControlFinder#findControls(Widget, Matcher, boolean)
         public <T extends Widget> List<T> findControls(Widget widget, Matcher<T> matcher, boolean recursive) {
 120  24
                 return controlFinder.findControls(widget, matcher, recursive);
          * Finds the shell matching the given text (shell.getText()).
          * @param text The text on the Shell
          * @return A Shell containing the specified text
          * @see ControlFinder#findShells(String)
         public List<Shell> findShells(String text) {
 131  0
                 return controlFinder.findShells(text);
          * Gets the shells registered with the display.
          * @return the shells
          * @see ControlFinder#getShells()
         public Shell[] getShells() {
 141  61
                 return controlFinder.getShells();
          * Finds a menu matching the given item in all available shells. This searches for menus recursively.
          * @param matcher the matcher that can match menus and menu items.
          * @return all menus in all shells that match the matcher.
          * @see MenuFinder#findMenus(Matcher)
         public List<MenuItem> findMenus(Matcher<MenuItem> matcher) {
 152  0
                 return menuFinder.findMenus(matcher);
          * Fins all the menus in the given menu bar matching the given matcher. If recursive is set, it will attempt to find
          * the controls recursively in each of the menus it that is found.
          * @param bar the menu bar
          * @param matcher the matcher that can match menus and menu items.
          * @param recursive if set to true, will find sub-menus as well.
          * @return all menus in the specified menubar that match the matcher.
          * @see MenuFinder#findMenus(Menu, Matcher, boolean)
         public List<MenuItem> findMenus(Menu bar, Matcher<MenuItem> matcher, boolean recursive) {
 166  0
                 return menuFinder.findMenus(bar, matcher, recursive);
          * Finds the menus in the given shell using the given matcher. If recursive is set, it will attempt to find the
          * controls recursively in each of the menus it that is found.
          * @param shell the shell to probe for menus.
          * @param matcher the matcher that can match menus and menu items.
          * @param recursive if set to true, will find sub-menus as well.
          * @return all menus in the specified shell that match the matcher.
          * @see MenuFinder#findMenus(Shell, Matcher, boolean)
         public List<MenuItem> findMenus(Shell shell, Matcher<MenuItem> matcher, boolean recursive) {
 180  0
                 return menuFinder.findMenus(shell, matcher, recursive);
          * Finds all the menus using the given matcher in the set of shells provided. If recursive is set, it will attempt
          * to find the controls recursively in each of the menus it that is found.
          * @param shells the shells to probe for menus.
          * @param matcher the matcher that can match menus and menu items.
          * @param recursive if set to true, will find sub-menus as well.
          * @return all menus in the specified shells that match the matcher.
          * @see MenuFinder#findMenus(Shell[], Matcher, boolean)
         public List<MenuItem> findMenus(Shell[] shells, Matcher<MenuItem> matcher, boolean recursive) {
 194  0
                 return menuFinder.findMenus(shells, matcher, recursive);
          * Checks if this should return items that are not visible when performing the search for controls.
          * @return <code>true</code> if the finder should return items that are not visible. Otherwise <code>false</code> is
          *         returned to show no items will be returned if they are not visible.
          * @since 1.0
         public boolean shouldFindInvisibleControls() {
 205  0
                 return controlFinder.shouldFindInVisibleControls;
          * This sets the flag to know if items should be returned if they are not visible.
          * @param shouldFindInVisibleControls <code>true</code> to cause controls that are not visible to be found. Use
          *            false so that controls that are visible will be returned.
          * @since 1.0
         public void setShouldFindInvisibleControls(boolean shouldFindInVisibleControls) {
 216  0
                 controlFinder.shouldFindInVisibleControls = shouldFindInVisibleControls;
 217  0
          * Gets the display that has been set.
          * @return the display
         public Display getDisplay() {
 225  0
                 return display;
          * Gets the path to the widget. The path is the list of all parent containers of the widget.
          * @param w the widget.
          * @return the path to the widget w.
          * @since 2.0
          * @see ControlFinder#getPath(Widget)
         public TreePath getPath(Widget w) {
 238  0
                 return controlFinder.getPath(w);