startR v2.4.0 (Release
date: 2024-09-10)
- Allow chunking along inner dimensions that go across file
- Allow more than one file dimension to be specified in
- Add check and warning for when special wildcard “\(var\)” is missing in the path
- Bugfix: Start() retrieve correct time steps when time is across file
dimension and the time steps of the first files are skipped
- Bugfix: Generate correct file paths when a file dimension has
multiple depending dimensions
startR v2.3.1 (Release
date: 2023-12-22)
- Use Autosubmit as workflow manager on hub
- New feature: Collect result by Collect() on HPCs
- Bugfix: Correct Collect_autosubmit() .Rds files update
- Bugfix: Collect() correctly recognize the finished chunk (.Rds file)
in local ecFlow folder. Prevent neverending Collect() when using
wait = F
in Compute() and Collect() the result later
startR v2.3.0 (Release
date: 2023-08-31)
- Load variable metadata when retreive = F
- Change Compute() “threads_load” to 1 to be consistent with
- Add Autosubmit as workflow manager
- SelectorChecker() to recognize class integer
startR v2.2.3 (Release
date: 2023-06-06)
- Bugfix in Start(): when using parameter
longitude = 'all'
with transform, there was a missing point
for some cases.
startR v2.2.2 (Release
date: 2023-03-24)
- Start(): Bugfix when the input parameters are assigned by a variable
with NULL value and retrieve = F
- NcDataReader(): Bugfix for wrong time attributes return when the
unit is “month”
startR v2.2.1 (Release
date: 2022-11-17)
- Reduce warning messages from CDO.
- Reduce repetitive warning messages from CDORemapper() when single
core is used. When multiple cores are used, there are still repetitive
- Bugfix in Start() about ClimProjDiags::Subset inputs.
- Bugfix when longitude selector range is very close but not global.
The transform indices are correctly selected now.
v2.2.0-2 (Release date: 2022-08-25; internally)
- Use the destination grid to decide which indices to take after
- Bugfix when Start() parameter “return_vars” is not used.
- Allow netCDF files to not have calendar attributes (force it to be
standard calendar)
v2.2.0-1 (Release date: 2022-04-19; internally)
- Bugfix for the case that the variable has units like time, e.g.,
- Development of metadata reshaping. The metadata should correspond to
data if data are reshaped by parameter “merge_across_dims” and
“split_multiselected_dims”, as well as if data selectors are not
continuous indices.
- Development of multiple dependency by array selector. An inner
dimension indices can vary with multiple file dimensions.
startR v2.2.0 (Release
date: 2022-02-11)
- License changes to Apache License 2.0
- R version dependency changes to >= 3.6.0
- The dependency on s2dverification changes to s2dv
- The transform parameter “crop” for CDORemapper() is deprecated. It
is assigned as a vector of four numbers of the range of latitude and
longitude selectors automatically by Start().
- Chunking the transformed dimensions is available.
- The transform and reorder function works with selector ‘all’ and
indices() now.
- Initialize big.matrix in Start() as NA when parameter
“ObjectBigmemory” is specified or when the job is submitted to remote
machine by Compute().
- Bugfix of naming the chunks submitted to remote machine. It prevents
job crashes when chunk_1 and chunk_11 run at the same time, for
- Adjust time attribute to UTC instead of local time zone, and correct
the time calculation according to calendar type and units.
- The default value of Start() parameter “merge_across_dims_narm” is
changed to TRUE.
- The metadata of startR object is refined. Different datasets are
recorded separately.
- Force return_vars to have value when inner dim has dependency on
file dim.
- Correct the wrong names of return_vars. If the names of return_vars
are synonyms, change them back to the inner dim names.
- When merging one inner dimension across files, Start() can notice
the different inner dimension length of files and merge without extra
NAs. Need to specify “largest_dims_length = TRUE”.
- Bugfixes for several reshaping problems with different combinations
of parameters “merge_across_dims”, “merge_across_dims_narm”, and
- Modify the dimension consistency check to only check margin
dimensions. The target dimensions can have different lengths.
startR v2.1.0 (Release
date: 2020-10-30)
- Bugfix for metadata retrieving when there are more than one dataset
and one of them is missing.
- Bugfix for the Start() parameter ‘metadata_dims’ is set to non-dat
- Bugfix for wildcard reading when the Start() parameter
‘path_glob_permissive’ is used.
- /dev/shm automatic cleaning on Compute(). Solve the error ‘No space
left on device’ which happened when the jobs are aborted.
- Add new paramter ‘largest_dims_length’ in Start(). It can examine
all the files to find the largest inner dimension length. It is useful
when certain inner dimension among the files does not have consistent
length (e.g., different ensemble number).
startR v2.0.1 (Release
date: 2020-09-10)
- /dev/shm automatic cleaning on Compute()
startR v2.0.1 (Release
date: 2020-08-25)
- Bugfix for the function .chunk(). Its name was chunk() before
v2.0.0, and there are two parts were not renamed to .chunk() in
- Bugfix for metadata in the condition that reorder or transform is
applied and ‘return_vars’ is NULL.
- Bugfix for the parameter ‘metadata_dims’. It did not work correctly
for the cases other than ‘1 data set, 1 variable’. For 1 data set case,
all the variables should be listed under $common in the attributes; for
more than 1 data set case, the variables should be listed under each
- Bugfix for the missing first file case. It showed an error before
when the first file is not found but now it works.
- Bugfix for the parameter ‘path_glob_permissive’ of Start().
startR v2.0.0 (Release
date: 2020-08-06)
- Adopt Roxygen2 documentation format
- Remove Subset() to avoid duplicated function. Use
ClimProjDiags::Subset instead.
startR v1.0.3 (Release
date: 2020-06-19)
- Bugfix for requiring the repetitive values from a single file when
using ‘merge_across_dims’ and ‘split_multiselected_dims’. The value
positions were not correct before.
- Specify the time zone to be ‘UTC’ regarding time attributes
retrieval. The time zone was not specified before and it caused problems
when the time crosses daylight saving.
startR v1.0.2 (Release
date: 2020-05-11)
- Bugfix for longitude transformation when the required grid point
across the borders. The bug apprears at v1.0.0 and v1.0.1.
- Add one new parameter ‘merge_across_dims_narm’ in Start(). If it is
TRUE, the additional NAs in the across dimension will be removed. It is
useful when a continuous time series is required, or parameter
‘split_multiselected_dims’ is TRUE and expected dimensions are supposed
to have no NAs.
- Bugfix for the possible mixed dimension problem when
‘split_multiselected_dims’ and ‘merge_across_dims’ are both used.
startR v1.0.1 (Release
date: 2020-04-21)
- Bugfix for global longitude across the borders.
- Bugfix for longitude transformation when across the borders.
- Bugfix for transform_extra_cells when across the borders.
- Bugfix for un-reorder longitude transformation crop.
startR v1.0.0 (Release
date: 2020-03-23)
- Bugfixes of lat and lon assigned by ‘values’ in Start(). In v0.1.4
it is incorrect when assigned from big to small values.
- Compatiblity break: Develop longitude and latitude reorder
convention. The reordering functions (i.e., Sort() and CircularSort())
are well-functioning now.
startR v0.1.4 (Release
date: 2020-02-10)
- Bugfixes of transform in Start(). Change the default value of param
‘extra_cells’ to 2. (issue37)
- Bugfixes of chunk function in Utils.R (issue23)
- Bugfixes of paramter ‘split_multiselected_dims’ in ByChunk.R
- Bugfixes for chunking at dimensions which are assigned with list in
Start() (issue38)
- Documentation improvement
startR v0.1.3 (Release
date: 2019-08-05)
- Add parameter ‘use_attributes’ in Step().
- Add paramter ‘CDO_module’ in Compute(cluster = list()). It is
mandatory for using functions which depend on cdo (e.g.,
s2dverification::CDORemap) in operation.