Multi-core replication function to make it easier to do fast Monte Carlo simulation. Based on the mcreplicate() function from the 'rethinking' package. The 'rethinking' package requires installing 'rstan', which is onerous to install, while also not adding capabilities to this function.
Version: | 0.1.2 |
Imports: | parallel |
Suggests: | testthat (≥ 3.0.0), covr |
Published: | 2021-06-20 |
DOI: | 10.32614/CRAN.package.mcreplicate |
Author: | Christopher Gandrud [aut, cre], Olivier Binette [ctb], AUTUMN41 [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Christopher Gandrud <christopher.gandrud at> |
License: | AGPL (≥ 3) |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Materials: | README NEWS |
CRAN checks: | mcreplicate results |
Reference manual: | mcreplicate.pdf |
Package source: | mcreplicate_0.1.2.tar.gz |
Windows binaries: | r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel: |
macOS binaries: | r-release (arm64): mcreplicate_0.1.2.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): mcreplicate_0.1.2.tgz, r-release (x86_64): mcreplicate_0.1.2.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): mcreplicate_0.1.2.tgz |
Old sources: | mcreplicate archive |
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