bayesmove 0.2.1 (2021-10-07)
- Greatly improved speed of segmentation model by adding internal
function summarize1 in C++ and updated get_summary_stats().
- Updated shiny_tracks by improving responsiveness to changes in the
time window, adding a data table with options to filter, and the ability
to explore the time series and map of multiple IDs at once.
- Updated traceplot() to automatically determine the number of MCMC
iterations and add a line denoting the burn-in period.
- Updated progress bar in segment_behavior() to prevent it from
bayesmove 0.2.0 (2021-04-26)
- Add cluster_obs() function to make observation-level inference of
behavioral states.
- Add Shiny app as shiny_tracks() function to dynamically explore
telemetry data within and among individuals.
- Add insert_NAs() function to insert NAs for creation of regular time
- Export get_MAP_internal() function for use within workflow for
observation-level behavior estimation using cluster_obs().
- Update assign_tseg_internal() to account for non-consecutive
- Update plot_breakpoints_behav() to account for non-consecutive
- Update some function arguments to be compatible with {furrr} package
(>= 0.2.0).
- Update API for viewing progress bar in segment_behavior() via
- Update prep_data() to also calculate net-squared displacement
- Update method by which round_track_time() calculates new date and
add argument for units
bayesmove 0.1.0 (2020-09-21)
- First release of bayesmove package.
- Bayesmove package in development.